Episode 10

₿HS010: 10X Your Bitcoin Homeschooling


Talk to your kids about the four freedoms: time, money, relationships, and purpose.  Talk to them about their unique abilities.  You can start by teaching kids that there's an alternative to the fiat education and it fits perfectly with Bitcoin.  Tali and Scott explore these and other applications from the “10X Is Easier Than 2X” framework for Bitcoin Homeschoolers.


  • Absorbing material from different viewpoints and different people repeatedly assists with learning
  • “10X Is Easier Than 2X” is useful for Bitcoin homeschoolers despite the fact it wasn’t written intentionally for either audience 
  • Rich Dad Poor Dad is a good example of why teaching kids mental frameworks matters
  • Contrasting abundance versus scarcity mindsets
  • The “pie fallacy” of scarcity in the fiat world
  • Truly free markets increase abundance, the pie get bigger
  • Abundance mindset leads to happiness
  • Talk to your kids about “the four freedoms”: time, money, relationships, and purpose
  • Free up your kids to let them identify and develop their unique abilities
  • Fiat scarcity mindset creates incentives for people to go to college, to pursue types of careers based on how much they pay instead of what their unique abilities are
  • You can start is by teaching the kids that there's an alternative to the fiat education and it fits perfectly with Bitcoin
  • Technology and global competition mean it’s no longer good enough to just be good enough
  • “Gap versus gain” framework is a powerful tool for everyone, not just kids
  • Check out the video (links below) including a clip of Hayek in 1984 talking about a sly roundabout way to take money out of the hand of the government
  • Useful and practical tool related to low time preference is Sullivan’s “focus-buffer-rejuvenate” framework
  • Rest days are critical.  Tali shares personal lessons learned.
  • Teaching your kids how to view time has a huge impact on their future success and happiness
  • The super high time preference of our society is even reflected in how people drive
  • Don’t worry about the commonly referenced age milestones for development


Dan Sullivan’s “10x Is Easier than 2x: How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More by Doing Less” Amazon

@Bitstein 10/31/2023 twitter post including clip of Hayek in 1984 describing a sly roundabout way to take money out of the hand of government, https://twitter.com/bitstein/status/1719333204602032462?s=20

Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad Poor Dad: 20th Anniversary Edition: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!” Amazon

Robert Kiyosaki’s CASHFLOW boardgame Amazon

The book Tali couldn’t recall during the show: “The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups” by Daniel Coyle Amazon

Norman Vincent Peale’s “The Power of Positive Thinking: 10 Traits for Maximum Results” Amazon


  • Tali's Twitter @OrangeHatterPod
  • Scott's Twitter @ScottLindberg93
  • Scott's nostr npub19jkuyl0wgrj8kccqzh2vnseeql9v98ptrx407ca9qjsrr4x5j9tsnxx0q6
  • Free Market Kids' Twitter @FreeMarketKids
  • Orange Pill App @FreeMarketKids
  • Free Market Kids' games including HODL UP https://www.freemarketkids.com/collections/games


We are essentially our own sponsors and are so grateful for all of you who support this show.  Thank you!


Mentioned in this episode:

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Show artwork for Bitcoin Homeschoolers
Bitcoin Homeschoolers
Self-Custody Education

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About your hosts

Profile picture for Tali Lindberg

Tali Lindberg

Hey there, wonderful listeners! I'm Tali, and I'm so excited to welcome you to our podcast today. For two decades, I was knee-deep in the incredible journey of homeschooling my four amazing kids. It was a world of boundless creativity, filled with lesson plans, school projects, sports, and beautiful chaos. But when my children all graduated, a brand-new, unforeseen adventure awaited me - the captivating world of Bitcoin.

It took three years for Scott to bring me into Bitcoin. I hesitated at first, Bitcoin's intricacies seemed daunting, and my plate was already quite full. But he persisted, going so far as to create a fantastic bitcoin-mining board game called HODL UP to demystify it all. Before I knew it, I was down the Bitcoin rabbit hole. Just like my homeschooling journey, I took it one step at a time, learning and evolving as I ventured further.

Now, here we are today, and I couldn't be more thrilled to be part of the vibrant Bitcoin community. In an unexpected twist, my husband Scott and I realized that our homeschooling experiences can be a treasure trove of insights for Bitcoiners who, like us, want to take charge of their children's education. So, in addition to sharing our Bitcoin knowledge with Precoiners with HODL UP and the Orange Hatter podcast, we're here to offer tips and guidance for Bitcoin-homeschoolers. It's going to be an incredible journey, and I can't wait to share it with all of you. Enjoy the ride!
Profile picture for Scott Lindberg

Scott Lindberg

Scott Lindberg is a freedom-loving entrepreneur, author, and game designer. He is a proponent of finding freedom by taking self-custody of education, money and speech.

He and his wife, Tali, co-founded Free Market Kids. Their passion is to give the next generation the knowledge and tools to maximize their chances for freedom, success and happiness. Free Market Kids makes it easy and fun to introduce money concepts to kids through tabletop games, courses, lesson plans and trusted resources. They are best known for HODL UP™, a Bitcoin mining game.

Scott graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1993 with a Bachelor of Science in Systems Engineering. In 2001, he graduated Yale’s School of Management with a Master of Business Administration.